Children’s Ministry

Upcoming Events

VBS June 9-13


Children have many opportunities to worship and learn at HBC.  A safe and loving nursery is provided for babies (birth – 2 years) during regular church services. Sunday School is offered to preschoolers (3 – 5 year olds) on our Preschool Hall and 1st-5th graders upstairs in Faith Village.

During Sunday morning worship, we offer childcare for children ages 0 – 4; children ages 4-4th grade are invited to attend KidzPraise worship program, located in the classroom adjacent to the Youth Center following the Children’s Sermon. At KidzPraise, children enjoy many activities that teach them about God and His plan for their lives.


The nursery is available during Wednesday night Bible Study for babies birth – 2 years.

Preschoolers enjoy Music & Mission Friends during this hour. During this time they will learn songs and stories of missionaries around the world. The children perform the songs they learn at special services during the year.

Grades 1st-5th also enjoy a time of music and missions.  Following a combined choir time, boys and girls separate into RA and GA classes.  In their respective classes, they learn through stories and activities how to reach the world for Christ.

Special Events
Children of all ages are invited to join us in other special events during the year. A few of these exciting opportunities are our Easter celebration, VBS, Wacky Wednesdays during summer break, Kidz Kamp, Fall Festival, and Christmas celebration. Through each of these activities, we desire for children to have fun in a safe environment and learn more about the plan God has for their lives!

"I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

A safe place to learn and grow.

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Faith Village

Our children’s Sunday school at 9:30 am

Nusery Birth - 1 year old
First Floor Education Hall - Room 101 |

Children 2-3 years old
First Floor Education Hall - Room 102 | Teachers: Wilbur Wright, Peggy Wright

Children 4-5 years old
First Floor Education Hall - Room 106 | Teacher: Len Aubry

Children 1st-5th grades
Second Floor - Faith Villiage - Greek Theater - Room 207 | Teacher: Jolynn Aubry

