Upcoming Events
March 23rd > Baptist Women’s Day

Wednesday activities resume
Wednesday activities resume at 5:30 with a hotdog/hamburger supper - no charge but reservations required. Permanent list participants do not need to make a reservation. Prayer meeting, Youth Bible Study, and children’s missions resume at 6:30.

Men's Prayer Meeting & Covered-Dish Supper
Join us for a time of prayer and fellowship.

Red Cross Blood Drive @ HBC
Make your appointment at redcrossblood.org. Enter the church’s zip (31033) and select a time.

BBQ Plate Youth Fund Raiser
Tickets $12. Includes pulled pork sandwich, baked beans, potato chips, homemade dessert. Pickup at Haddock Baptist Church. All proceeds support HBC youth summer camp and trips.
BBQ will be cooked by Bubba Grills.

Vacation Bible School (Copy) (Copy) (Copy) (Copy)
SCUBA - diving into friendship with God.

Pictures with Santa
Light breakfast for dinner, ornament & cookie decorating for you to take home. See you there!

Vacation Bible School
Sunday-Thursday 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Dinner served each evening.
Sign-up by email at haddockbc@gmail.com
Give child’s age, current grade, parent/guardian info.

Drop-In Reception
Drop-In reception at Haddock Baptist Church honoring Bro. Ron for his retirement after 30 years of service.

Youth Corn Maze
Bring money for dinner at Chick-fil-A & $10 for cost of corn maze. Call church to make reservation - tickets will be purchased in advance.

Fall Festival
Trunk-or-Treat, Hot Dog Supper, Face Painting, Pumpkin Painting, Smores, Hayride, Inflatables, Cake/Cookie Walk. Bring your family!

JOY Ministry Fall Trip to Ellijay
Day trip to Reece Apple Orchard in Ellijay. Reserve your spot now.
Church Homecoming Celebration
Homecoming Celebration (1907-2022) 115 years.
Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Hambric Brooks, Pastor, FBC Forsyth, GA

Youth Food Bank & DQ lunch
Youth will volunteer @ Haddock Food Bank then have lunch at DQ in Gray

Monday, June 20 - Thursday, June 23 - 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. each day. VBS Kick-off Sunday, June 19 during Kids Praise at 10:30 a.m.

Youth Six Flags
Cost: $10 Sign-up by noon Sunday, June 12 to get discounted ticket. You will need $ for food before and after the park as well for snacks. Take a sack lunch to eat at the park. Cash not accepted at the park- prepaid debit cards are recommended and are available at the park.